
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Shoot 'em UP!

SHOOT 'EM UP!!!! or SH**T 'EM UP!!!

You all know that this is a recently release movie...but i watch it in DVD format...hehehe...but i didnt bought it, remember that! I dont support movie piracy unlike SOMEONE I KNOW...

I cant deny that this movie is good...its so cool...with bang! boom! and more bang! However this is a more like boys movie...because it got actions, gore, blood, bangs!, sex and more bangs!

Well its all about mostly saving a myterious baby which was "delivered" during a fierce gunfight between the main character, a carrot chopping, a manners-freak, a gunslinger with markmanship that even put James Bond to shame, Mr. Smith acted by Clive Owen, and a group of highly trained(not really) hitmen...well the mother of the baby died and Smith need to find a refuge for the baby. Then it shows who was ordering the baby-hunt, a hitman who really never gives a damn to his family, with the stupidest ringtone you will ever heard in a 3G phone, the baldy and moustachy Hertz acted by Paul Glamati...

As the story progress, Mr. Smith met a prostitute, Donna Quintona(so catchy) acted by the damn gorgeous Monica Belucci...and yeah she is hot...wow i act like im a 13 year old...then there was bang bang here...bang bang there...

Luckily i was watching this alone in the morning...sigh...i never thought i'd see a nearly(kinda) topless women few minutes after the movie starts...and later you will Mr. Smith and Ms. Donna doing uhhh You-Know-What...and it was interrupted by a group of silly henchmen clad in Kevlar but they were all killed by Smith with a gun while Donna is still uhhh in his "Clutches"...and this picture here is only a mechanical clutches...hehehehe
Well i wouldnt want to spoiled the whole movie so go out there and watch it but please dont go out and buy a pirated copy...audio and games i wouldnt mind...but movies is no no no for me...

Oh yeah if you're watching this...please note that watching it with your bf or gf while surely makes it the most uncomfortable moment you will ever have while watching an action movie...


Anonymous said...

"I have lives through countless number of adventures...so i decided to post my stories here..."

action li...


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The City Of Felines, The Island of the Headhunters, Malaysia
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